Thursday, August 31, 2006
Thursday, August 31 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Doug Echols
6:00 a.m. Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing
10:00 a.m. Scott Shapleigh, Leaving The 20th Century With No Regrets
1:00 p.m. Counterspin
1:30 p.m. Latino USA
2:00 p.m. Art Hanson
5:30 p.m. WINGS - Women's International News Gathering Service
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Bob Shapiro, In the Evening
10:00 p.m. Ed Flynn's Hellraising Hootenany
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Wednesday, August 30 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Terry Hopper, The Quest
6:00 a.m. Ebong Udoma
8:00 a.m. Between The Lines
8:30 a.m. Ebong Udoma
10:00 a.m. Richard Epstein, Sometimes Classical
2:00 p.m. Phil Bowler, Jazz Adventures
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Chris Teskey
10:00 p.m. Mikki (fill-in for Wednesday Night At The Movies)
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Technical difficulties
I had trouble getting into Blogger yesterday, and was not able to post the program listings for Terry Hopper and Counterpoint. My apologies to everybody. Blogger seems to be back to normal today.
True secrets tonight
10:30 p.m. - Elaine
Listen to a conversation with the creator of PostSecret, a worldwide community art project that invites strangers to share their most personal, true and never-before disclosed secrets by sending them in anonymously on a home-made postcard. After the first 3,000 postcards arrived, author Frank Warren thought the project was at its end, but two years and 60,000 postcards later, the secrets are still pouring in from all over the globe.
Frank posts new secrets every Sunday at The book, PostSecret can be found in bookstores everywhere, with a second book scheduled to come out in the fall.
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
This afternoon on Between The Lines
5:30 p.m. - Between the Lines Radio Newsmagazine A review of the week's under-reported news stories and... This week's interview segments:
- "Bush Warrantless Domestic Spying Program Ruled Unconstitutional." Interview with Michael Avery, president of the National Lawyers Guild, conducted by Scott Harris.
- "Corporate Media Focus on 'Infotainment' Undermines Democracy." Interview with Jeff Cohen, founder of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) conducted by Scott Harris.
- "Washington Determined to Demolish New Orleans' Public Housing." Interview with NOLA's Elizabeth Cook, housing activist, conducted by Melinda Tuhus.
For free program summaries, interview transcripts, mp3 audio & ipod downloads visit Technorati tags: WPKN, domestic spying, New Orleans, radio, NSA
Tuesday, August 29 on WPKN
12:00 a.m. J.F., Nazmo Radio (fill-in for Country & Nike's Schizo Radio and Doug Echols)
6:00 a.m. Dave O & I-Tone, Irie Feelings
10:00 a.m. Pete Stewart
2:00 p.m. Ken Brown and/or Jeff Wignall
5:30 p.m. Between The Lines
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Jim Motavalli
10:00 p.m. Elaine
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Monday, August 28, 2006
Monday, August 28 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Thomas Makucevich, Music For Dreamers (fill-in for Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing)
6:00 a.m. John Lugo and/or Ricardo Trejo, Barricada
10:00 a.m. Victor Pachera, Jazz Classics
2:00 p.m. Terry Hopper, The Quest (fill-in for Cliff Furnald)
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Terry Hopper, The Quest (fill-in for Patrick O'Sullivan, Jazz Variations)
7:30 p.m. This Way Out
8:00 p.m. Scott Harris, Counterpoint
10:00 p.m. J.F., Nazmo Radio (fill-in for Maia Lagerstedt), continues until 2 a.m. Tuesday
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Sunday, August 27 on WPKN
2:00 a.m J.F., Nazmo Radio (fill-in for Tom Poplawski, Radio Free Arcadia)
5:00 a.m. Radio LaKaye
7:00 a.m. Integrative Wellness
10:00 a.m. David Golden, Morning Maniac Music
2:00 p.m. La Esquina Latina
6:00 p.m. Bill Nolan, Antique Blues
10:00 p.m. Paul Simpson, Chester's Blanket Fort
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Saturday, August 25 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Rich Kaminsky, Off-Beat
6:00 a.m. World of Radio
6:30 a.m. Bill Cosentino, Organic Radio (fill-in for Rob Reeves, It's A Hit)
10:00 a.m. Bob Costanzo, Car Bob
2:00 p.m. Between The Lines
2:30 p.m. Radio Free Bridgeport
3:00 p.m. Ken Best, Good Music
6:00 p.m. Colette Rossignol, Capital Radio
10:00 p.m. Mikki's Room
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Friday, August 25, 2006
Friday, August 25 on WPKN
12:00 a.m. John Corvino, Johnny Be Good
6:00 a.m. Ruben Abreu (fill-in for Glen Hochstetter, Cold Cuts)
10:00 a.m. Pam Smith, Amazon Radio
1:00 p.m. Radio Nation
2:00 p.m. John Motavalli
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Kathy DeMino
7:40 p.m. Ray Terlaga (AIDS Update at 8 p.m., Skies of Bridgeport at 8:30 p.m.)
10:00 p.m. Tom Poplawski, Radio Free Arcadia (fill-in for Bob Chamenko)
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Thursday, August 24 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Thomas Makucevich, Music For Dreamers
6:00 a.m. Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing
10:00 a.m. Scott Shapleigh, Leaving The 20th Century With No Regrets
12:00 noon Hans Koning, Literary Discord
12:30 Melinda Tuhus, The Forest And The Trees
1:00 p.m. Counterspin
1:30 p.m. Latino USA
2:00 p.m. Bob Chamenko (fill-in for Ruth Eddy)
5:30 p.m. WINGS - Women's International News Gathering Service
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Bob Shapiro, In the Evening
10:00 p.m. Conscious
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Wednesday, August 23 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Terry Hopper, The Quest
6:00 a.m. Ebong Udoma
8:00 a.m. Between The Lines
8:30 a.m. Ebong Udoma
10:00 a.m. Richard Epstein, Sometimes Classical
2:00 p.m. Phil Bowler, Jazz Adventures
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Chris Teskey
10:00 p.m. John Corvino, Johnny Be Good (fill-in for Wednesday Night At The Movies)
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
This afternoon on Between The Lines
5:00 p.m. - Between the Lines Radio Newsmagazine
- "Lebanese and Israeli Civilians Clear Losers as Cease-Fire Ends Israel's Offensive." Interview with Stephen Zunes, Middle East editor with Foreign Policy in Focus, conducted by Scott Harris.
- "Mexico's Disputed Election Enters Dangerous Phase as Tribunal Rejects Full Vote Recount." Interview with John Ross, journalist and author, conducted by Scott Harris.
- "Lamont Primary Victory Over Connecticut's U.S. Sen. Lieberman Shockwaves through American Party Politics." Interview with Jacob Hacker, Yale University professor of political science, conducted by Melinda Tuhus.
- Plus.... a review of the week's under-reported news stories.
Technorati tags: WPKN, Lebanon, Israel, Mexico, Lamont, Lieberman
The Singers' Circle
2:00 p.m.
The Singers Circle this month will feature an in-studio visit from Dylan Connor, who recently released his new EP, The Truth Tastes Better. Dylan will be talking about the album, and of course, playing a few of his tunes live. Also on the roster for the afternoon is a call from Bill Carleton, who - in addition to playing out everywhere (or so it seems) - hosts an acoustic open mic show at the Main Pub in Manchester.
Technorati tags: WPKN, Dylan Connor, Bill Carleton
Tuesday, August 22 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Doug Echols
6:00 a.m. Dave O & I-Tone, Irie Feelings
10:00 a.m. Michael Benson
2:00 p.m. The Singers Circle
3:00 p.m. Doug Echols
5:30 p.m. Between The Lines
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Jim Motavalli
10:00 p.m. Annette Szczesiul
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Monday, August 21, 2006
Monday, August 21 on WPKN
12:00 a.m. K.C. Vaz, Radio Paralelo Zero Brazil
2:00 a.m. Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing
6:00 a.m. Samba, Zanj Radio
10:00 a.m. Victor Pachera, Jazz Classics
2:00 p.m. Nick Jacobs, Music, Sacred and Profane
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Patrick O'Sullivan, Jazz Variations
7:30 p.m. This Way Out
8:00 p.m. Scott Harris, Counterpoint
10:00 p.m. Art Hanson
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Monday night on Counterpoint
8:00 p.m. - Scott Harris, Counterpoint
- Cindy Sheehan, mother of slain US soldier Casey Sheehan, talks about her campaign to end the Iraq War, recent 37 day fast, trips to Jordan and Lebanon and current vigil at President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.
- Michael Avery, president of the National Lawyers Guild, comments on the recent Federal Court decision which found President Bush's warantless NSA surveillance program unconstitutional.
- Jeff Cohen, founder of the media watch group FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting - discusses media reporting on the recent war in Lebanon, the Iraq war and the CT primary victory by Ned Lamont over US Senator Joseph Lieberman.
- Joseph Celli, director of Bridgeport's Black Rock Arts Center alerts our listeners to the campaign now being waged by the Mayor of Bridgeport to sell the art center's building.
Sunday, August 20 on WPKN
2:00 a.m Ben Churchill, The Radio Trip
5:00 a.m. Radio LaKaye
7:00 a.m. Black Introspectives
10:00 a.m. David Golden, Morning Maniac Music
1:30 p.m. Janet Golden, Morning Mommy Update
2:00 p.m. La Esquina Latina
6:00 p.m. Bill Nolan, Antique Blues
10:00 p.m. Dave "Casey Jones" Schwartz
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
2:00 a.m. Rich Kaminsky, Off-Beat
6:00 a.m. World of Radio
6:30 a.m. Dave Zinovenko, The Carousel
10:00 a.m. Annette Szczesiul
2:00 p.m. Between The Lines
2:30 p.m. Radio Free Bridgeport
3:00 p.m. Deb Guhl
6:00 p.m. Jeff Day, Esoterica et cetera
10:00 p.m. Mikki's Room
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Friday, August 18, 2006
Friday, August 18 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. John Corvino, Johnny Be Good
6:00 a.m. Janine Bujalski
10:00 a.m. Pam Smith, Amazon Radio
1:00 p.m. Radio Nation
2:00 p.m. Thomas Makucevich (fill-in for Mike Horyczun, On The Horizon)
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Kathy DeMino
7:40 p.m. Ray Terlaga (AIDS Update at 8 p.m., Skies of Bridgeport at 8:30 p.m.)
10:00 p.m. Friday Night Fish Fry
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Thursday, August 17 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. TBA (fill-in for Doug Echols)
6:00 a.m. Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing
10:00 a.m. Scott Shapleigh, Leaving The 20th Century With No Regrets
12:00 noon Progressive Radio
1:00 p.m. Counterspin
1:30 p.m. Latino USA
2:00 p.m. Mikki (fill-in for Ruth Eddy)
5:30 p.m. WINGS - Women's International News Gathering Service
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Bob Shapiro, In the Evening
10:00 p.m. Eric Ford
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Wednesday, August 16 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Terry Hopper, The Quest
6:00 a.m. Ebong Udoma
8:00 a.m. Between The Lines
8:30 a.m. Ebong Udoma
10:00 a.m. Carl J. Frano, The Carl J. Frano Show
2:00 p.m. Phil Bowler, Jazz Adventures
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Chris Teskey
10:00 p.m. Alex Hunt, Mixed Bag (fill-in for Wednesday Night At The Movies)
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Tuesday, August 15 on WPKN
12:00 a.m. J.F., Nazmo Radio (fill-in for Country & Nike's Schizo Radio and Doug Echols)
6:00 a.m. Dave O & I-Tone, Irie Feelings
10:00 a.m. Art Hanson (fill-in for Pete Stewart)
2:00 p.m. Ken Brown and/or Jeff Wignall
5:30 p.m. Between The Lines
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Valerie Richardson, Radio Something
10:00 p.m. Ruben Abreu
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Monday, August 14, 2006
Monday, August 14 on WPKN
12:00 a.m. K.C. Vaz, Radio Paralelo Zero Brazil
2:00 a.m. Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing
6:00 a.m. John Lugo and/or Ricardo Trejo, Barricada
10:00 a.m. Victor Pachera, Jazz Classics
2:00 p.m. Terry Hopper, The Quest (fill-in for Cliff Furnald)
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Patrick O'Sullivan, Jazz Variations
7:30 p.m. This Way Out
8:00 p.m. Scott Harris, Counterpoint
10:00 p.m. J.F., Nazmo Radio (fill-in for Maia Lagerstedt), continues until 2 a.m. Tuesday
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Pet Psychic featured tonight
Sunday, August 13, 10 PM - Dave's Casey Jones Sunday Night
This Sunday Dave quizzes a pet psychic. We will take phone calls from listeners seeking contact from the pet either world.
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Sunday, August 13 on WPKN
2:00 a.m Tom Poplawski, Radio Free Arcadia
5:00 a.m. Radio LaKaye
7:00 a.m. Integrative Wellness
10:00 a.m. David Golden, Morning Maniac Music
2:00 p.m. La Esquina Latina
6:00 p.m. Bill Nolan, Antique Blues
10:00 p.m. Dave "Casey Jones" Schwartz
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Saturday, August 12 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Rich Kaminsky, Off-Beat
6:00 a.m. World of Radio
6:30 a.m. Rob Reeves, It's A Hit
10:00 a.m. Annette Szczesiul (shift swap fill-in for Bob Johnson, Second Saturday Magazine)
2:00 p.m. Between The Lines
2:30 p.m. Radio Free Bridgeport
3:00 p.m. Ken Best, Good Music
6:00 p.m. Binnie Klein
8:00 p.m. Alex Hunt, Mixed Bag
10:00 p.m. Mikki's Room
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Friday, August 11, 2006
Friday, August 11 on WPKN
12:00 a.m. John Corvino, Johnny Be Good
6:00 a.m. Thomas Makucevich (fill-in for Glen Hochstetter, Cold Cuts)
10:00 a.m. Joe Ayala, The Mambo Inn (fill-in for Pam Smith, Amazon Radio)
1:00 p.m. Radio Nation
2:00 p.m. John Motavalli
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Kathy DeMino
7:40 p.m. Ray Terlaga (AIDS Update at 8 p.m., Skies of Bridgeport at 8:30 p.m.)
10:00 p.m. Jeff Day, Esoterica et cetera
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Members of Clogs to appear on WPKN on Thursday, August 10 at 10:30 AM
Members of the genre-defying new music group Clogs will be stopping by during an extended edition of Radio Nothing at around 10:30 AM and speaking with host Rod Richardson about their upcoming (Friday, August 11) performance at the Silvermine Arts Guild in New Canaan, CT. In addition to a discussion of all things Clogs-related, we'll be hearing plenty of their music as well. For more information about this interesting group, visit their website:
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Thursday, August 10 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Doug Echols (fill-in for Thomas Makucevich, Music for Dreamers)
6:00 a.m. Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing
12:00 noon New Music New Haven
1:00 p.m. Counterspin
1:30 p.m. Latino USA
2:00 p.m. Bob Balogh, fill-in for Ruth Eddy
5:30 p.m. WINGS - Women's International News Gathering Service
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Bill Nolan, Antique Blues (fill-in for Bob Shapiro, In the Evening)
10:00 p.m. Ed Flynn's Hellraising Hootenany
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Wednesday, August 9 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Terry Hopper, The Quest
6:00 a.m. Ebong Udoma
8:00 a.m. Between The Lines
8:30 a.m. Ebong Udoma
10:00 a.m. Richard Epstein, Sometimes Classical
2:00 p.m. Phil Bowler, Jazz Adventures
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Art Hanson (fill-in for Chris Teskey)
10:00 p.m. Ruben Abreu (fill-in for Wednesday Night At The Movies)
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
This afternoon on Between The Lines
5:30 p.m. - Between The Lines Radio Newsmagazine
- Summary of some of the week's under-reported news stories
- "After Qana Slaughter, Israel and Bush Administration Widen War in Lebanon" - Interview with Ian Williams, U.N. correspondent with the Nation magazine.
- "U.S. Foreign Policy Sacrifices Women's Rights to Satisfy Interests of Big Oil" - Interview with author Martha Burk.
- "Darfur Conflict Rooted, in Part, on Region's Desertification" - Interview with Zoe Chafe, staff researcher with the Worldwatch Institute.
Tuesday, August 8 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Doug Echols
6:00 a.m. Dave O & I-Tone, Irie Feelings
10:00 a.m. Pete Stewart
2:00 p.m. Jeff Wignall
5:30 p.m. Between The Lines
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Jim Motavalli
10:00 p.m. New Music New Haven
11:00 p.m. J.F., Nazmo Radio
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Monday, August 07, 2006
Monday, August 7 on WPKN
12:00 a.m. K.C. Vaz, Radio Paralelo Zero Brazil
2:00 a.m. Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing
6:00 a.m. Samba, Zanj Radio
10:00 a.m. Victor Pachera, Jazz Classics
2:00 p.m. Nick Jacobs, Music, Sacred and Profane
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Patrick O'Sullivan, Jazz Variations
7:30 p.m. This Way Out
8:00 p.m. Scott Harris, Counterpoint
10:00 p.m. Mark Muller, New Music Network (fill-in for Maia Lagerstedt) continues until 2:00 a.m. Tuesday
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Organic Farming Sunday
Sunday, August 6th, 12:00 noon
Three members of NOFA -- the Northeast Organic Farming Association -- will be on hand to discuss all things organic. Bill Duesing, Camillia Worden and Michael Nadeau will be in the studio discussing their passion for organic farming and taking your calls.
Michael Nadeau is a designer and builder of ecological landscapes, with a passion for meadows, woodland gardens, and almost anything that increases the use of native plants and reduces high maintenance turf and synthetic pesticide and fertilizer use. He began in the landscape and tree business in 1968 at age 13 and studied Forestry, Plant & Soil Science at the University of Maine; Ecology & Horticulture University of Connecticut. Michael is a NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional and teaches organic land care courses.
Camilla Worden has a B.A. in Chemistry from Rutgers University and an M.B.A. from New York University. Camilla is a NOFA-Certified Organic Land Care Professional and is committed to promoting organic and ecologically sensitive practices. She has been a Master Gardener since 1988 and is nearing completion of a Landscape Design Certificate from The New York Botanic Garden. Camilla serves on the Board of Directors of the Land Trust of Danbury and is an active member of the NOFA Organic Landcare Committee. Her latest project is to create a lakeside buffer planting for the town of Danbury. Camilla loves to get her hands dirty and you may often see her on a property getting work done with her crew.
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, landscaping
Sunday, August 6 on WPKN
2:00 a.m Ben Churchill, The Radio Trip
5:00 a.m. Radio LaKaye
7:00 a.m. Black Introspectives
10:00 a.m. David Golden, Morning Maniac Music
2:00 p.m. La Esquina Latina
6:00 p.m. Bill Nolan, Antique Blues
10:00 p.m. Dave "Casey Jones" Schwartz
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Saturday, August 5 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Rich Kaminsky, Off-Beat
6:00 a.m. World of Radio
6:30 a.m. Dave Zinovenko, The Carousel
10:00 a.m. Bob Johnson, Second Saturday Magazine (switching weeks with Annette Szczesiul)
2:00 p.m. Between The Lines
2:30 p.m. Radio Free Bridgeport
3:00 p.m. Walter Wagoner, Soundchecks
6:00 p.m. Andy Bologovsky
10:00 p.m. Mikki's Room
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Friday, August 04, 2006
Second Saturday Magazine
Saturday, August 5th, 10:00 a.m. - Bob Johnson
Guest Co-Host Marianne O'Hare is a Graduate of the Syracuse University Newhouse School of Communications and is a veteran of a number of commercial radio stations from Upstate New York to Connecticut. Marianne's self-produced program was syndicated by the Connecticut Radio Network for fourteen years. She is currently a publicist with Robertson Productions.
- 10:00 a.m. - Barry Jacobs will talk about his book The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers.
- 10:30 a.m. - Charles Epping, author of "Trust," is our guest. In his first novel the Swiss banking expert weaves a story of mystery and deceit.
- 11:00 a.m. - Richard Shames, MD talks about his new book co-authored by wife Karilee Shames PhD, RN. "feeling, fat fuzzy, or frazzled?" Restore your hormone balance.
- 11:30 a.m. - International best-selling author Daniel Silva is our guest. The Chicago Sun-Times compares Silva's spy thrillers to that of John le Carre. His latest called "The Messenger" continues the saga of master Israeli spy, Gabriel Allon.
- 12:00 noon - Democratic primary candidate for Senate Ned Lamont, and then a response from a spokesman from Senator Joe Lieberman's campaign (tentative).
- 1:00 pm - Cast members from the Westport Community Theater's Experimental Theater Company (ETC) will be on hand to talk about their latest production- a staged reading of Rinne Groff's "The Ruby Sunrise." The performances are Friday and Saturday 8/4 and 8/5 at 8PM at the theater in the Westport Town Hall. The play is an entertaining look at the invention of television, and the early days of live TV. The Westport Community Theater opens its 51st season with a production of Michael Frayn's, winner of 3 Tony awards, "Copenhagen" on September 29th. For further information call 203-226-1983, or
Friday, August 4 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. John Corvino, Johnny Be Good
6:00 a.m. Janine Bujalski
10:00 a.m. Mikki (fill-in for Pam Smith, Amazon Radio)
1:00 p.m. Radio Nation
2:00 p.m. Mike Horyczun, On The Horizon
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Kathy DeMino
7:40 p.m. Ray Terlaga (AIDS Update at 8 p.m., Skies of Bridgeport at 8:30 p.m.)
10:00 p.m. Ben Berry, In A Hostile Environment
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Thursday, August 3 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Thomas Makucevich, Music For Dreamers (fill-in for Doug Echols)
6:00 a.m. Rod Richardson, Radio Nothing
10:00 a.m. Scott Shapleigh, Leaving The 20th Century With No Regrets
1:00 p.m. Counterspin
1:30 p.m. Latino USA
2:00 p.m. Ruth Eddy
5:30 p.m. WINGS - Women's International News Gathering Service
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Bob Shapiro, In the Evening
10:00 p.m. Doug Jancewicz
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Wednesday, August 2 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Terry Hopper, The Quest
6:00 a.m. Ebong Udoma
8:00 a.m. Between The Lines
8:30 a.m. Ebong Udoma
10:00 a.m. Carl J. Frano, The Carl J. Frano Show
2:00 p.m. Phil Bowler, Jazz Adventures
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Art Hanson (fill-in for Chris Teskey)
10:00 p.m. Jeep Ward, Six Feet Deep (fill-in for Wednesday Night At The Movies)
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Tuesday, August 1 on WPKN
2:00 a.m. Happy Birthday, Jerry! A 12-hour retrospective on the career of Jerry Garcia
2:00 p.m. Richard Hill, Rainy Day Radio
5:30 p.m. Between The Lines
6:00 p.m. Free Speech Radio News
6:30 p.m. Local News
6:35 p.m. Valerie Richardson, Radio Something
10:00 p.m. Bill Cosentino, Organic Radio
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
Coming up this weekend
Saturday, August 5th, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Second Saturday Magazine with Bob Johnson
Bob's here a week early (look for Annette on the 2nd saturday this month).
10:00: Barry Jacobs
10:30: Charles Epping, author of Trust
11:30: Daniel Silva
1:00: Cast of The Ruby Sunrise
Sunday, August 6th, 12 noon
David Golden, Morning Maniac Music
Bill Duesning, Camilla Worden & Michael Nadeau from the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA).
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, organic farming
Tonight on Organic Radio
10:15 p.m. - Bill Cosentino, Organic Radio
This month on Organic Radio we are joined by local homegrown artists Lys Guillorn and Redbeard for an in studio performance, interviews, and information on where you can see an upcoming live performance. Redbeard is the collaboration of songwriter Sam Miller and Guitarist Jae Sherman: Their gorgeously eerie psychedelic folk music is inspired by traditional folk and blues; 70s psychedelic rock; distortion; noise; thunder and rain; the wilderness; the city. Sam's lyrics are imagistic and evocative, and her compositions delicate. Jae's accompaniments reinterpret melody and build harmony in ways both playful and sinister.
Technorati tags: WPKN, WPKM, Bridgeport, New London, radio, Montauk
This afternoon on Between the Lines
5:30 p.m. - Between The Lines Radio Newsmagazine
- Summary of some of the week's under-reported news stories
- "Israel and U.S., Partners In Lebanon Offensive." Interview with Phyllis Bennis, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Scott Harris.
- "American Bar Association Panel: Bush Signing Statements Undermines the Rule of Law." Interview with Michael Greco, president of the American Bar Association, conducted by Melinda Tuhus.
- "Bush Stem Cell Bill Veto Another Christian Right Victory Over Common Good." Interview with Esther Kaplan, author of With God on Their Side, conducted by Scott Harris.
Happy Birthday, Jerry!

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