Thursday, March 29, 2007

Talk Nation Radio Special: Mark Benjamin of Salon Magazine

Thursday, March 29 at 12:00 Noon: Talk Nation Radio Special: Mark Benjamin of Salon Magazine on the Psychological Torturers - Will Congress Hold them Accountable? Mark Benjamin, National Correspondent for discusses the split between the Bush administration and members of the US Military over torture, focusing on his explosive reports about the APA, the American Psychological Association. In his July 26, 2006 story, "Psychological Warfare," Benjamin wrote that the 150,000-member American Psychological Association is facing an internal revolt over its year-old policy that condones the participation of psychologists in the interrogations of prisoners during the Bush administration' s "war on terror." Mark Benjamin looks at current events such as the Military Commission hearing for David Hicks that took place March 26th and discusses the concept of accountability. Technorati tags: , , , , ,