- 4:00 p.m. Larry talks with Rusty Potz of WLNG in Sag Harbor, NY. They will discuss the history of WLNG and the late Paul Sidney who kept the station going with live local programming for over 45 years.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday, April 18 on WPKN
*TONIGHT: The SPRING DRUM CIRCLE 2009. The 11th year drum circle to celebrate our station and community. We gather around 6:30 pm for a potluck dinner (donations gratefully accepted) and then go on the air around 7:30 pm. Bring food, friends, cameras and drums and musical toys. No experience needed, and all ages welcome. It's the joyful sound of freedom!
2:00 a.m. Rich Kaminsky, Off-Beat
6:00 a.m. World of Radio
6:30 a.m. Dave Zinovenko, The Carousel
10:00 a.m. Annette Szczesiul
2:00 p.m. Between The Lines (see Tuesday for line-up)
2:30 p.m. Radio Free Bridgeport
3:00 p.m. Larry Stoller (fill-in for Deb Guhl)